Let's Be Smart
Saturday Jul 25, 2020
11:00 AM - 4:00 PM CDT
Friday, July 24th
8pm Movie Night at Frontier Village Amphitheater
Saturday, July 25th
8am Lineup for the Buffalo Days Parade at McElroy Park
9am Buffalo Days Parade
-To help the community social distance, the parade route is extended
and we will go North on 1st Ave. to 1st St. then come back to the park on 3rd Ave. East
10am Mini Art Hunt Starts - Visit The Arts Center's Facebook page.
10am-5pm Civics Exhibit at the 1883 Courthouse
11am- 4pm Living History Demonstrations at Fort Seward
11am - 4pm Buffalo Rally Car Show & Shine at McElroy Park
11am - 4pm Food Vendors at McElroy Park
1pm - 3pm Old Friends Band at McElroy Park
1pm Linda & Terry Schwartz and D.W. Groethe at the 1883 Courthouse
1pm Evolution of the Springfield Presentation at Fort Seward
1pm Children’s Games at Fort Seward
2pm Fashion Of the 1870’s at Fort Seward
3pm Howitzer Cannon Demonstration at Fort Seward
Sunday, July 26th
9am United Presbyterian Church at Frontier Village Amphitheater
10am Cowboy Church at Fort Seward
11am - 4am Living History Demonstrations at Fort Seward
12pm Children’s Games at Fort Seward
1pm James Valley Off Roaders Mud Drags at the Fairgrounds
1pm Evolution of the Springfield Presentation at Fort Seward
1pm - 3pm Silent Auction Starts at Fort Seward
2pm Gatling Gun Demonstration at Fort Seward
3pm Pie Auction at Fort Seward
City-wide Events
Individual event fees will vary.
Emily 701-252-4830
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